South African style hotdogs made with mouthwatering boerewors and dressed with caramelised onions.
Serves 6 Preparation time - 15 mins Cooking time - 25 mins
Every braaimaster will have boerie rolls in his or her repertoire. A boerie roll is a South African style hotdog and is deeply carved into braai culture. They are dead simple to make too.
boerewors /ˈbuːrəˌvɔːs,ˈbʊrəˌvɔːs/ noun a type of traditional sausage, typically containing coarsely ground beef and pork seasoned with spices.
3 large onions
1 glove of garlic
2tbsp light brown sugar
500g boerewors
6 soft hotdog rolls
If you’re not in South Africa where it’s widely available, you can normally buy boerewors from a specialist South African shop in the UK (or email me and I can help you find some of the really good stuff).
The Braai things
A braai to cook on
15 charcoal briquettes (the compact kind)
4 firelighters
Light the braai
Start by lighting your fire. Just lay out the firelighters in the middle of your braai and pile the charcoal on top of these in a haphazard way, then light. You probably don’t need 15 briquettes for this task, but they’ll give you lasting heat for pudding.
Make the onions
While you're waiting for your fire to be ready for cooking, slice the onions. Then sweat them in butter on a low heat for 5 mins until they start to soften. Crush the clove of garlic and add to the onions an cook for a further 2 mins. Stir in the sugar and turn the heat right down and allow to reduce for a further 10 mins until caramelised and golden brown. Set aside in a small roasting dish for later.
Cook the boerewors
When your charcoal briquettes have turned white, spread them out evenly and put the grill in place for 5 mins to heat up. Make sure the fire is not too hot before you start cook the boerewors. I always use the unwritten "7 second rule". If you can hold your hand above the grill for 7 seconds you can start cooking. Place the boerewors in the middle of the grill and cook evenly for about 6 min on both sides. Don't turn it too often - just left it cook but make sure you don't overcook it. It needs to be cooked through but still juicy. About half way through cooking I bring the onions out and place the roasting dish straight on the braai to warm them through. When the beorewors is ready I cut it into 6 equal portions and serve each in a hotdog roll topped with the caramelised onions.
You can serve with coleslaw and/or other salads. Or just stand around the fire and enjoy on it's own. I personally think this is the best hotdog experience you'll ever have.
Eat. Love. Braai